Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are Traffic Exchanges Dead

Traffic Exchanges Are Only Good For A few things. there's basically one market you can advertise that will grab someone's attention at a traffic exchange website guess what it is.

Well Think About For A second Before I just give it away if your signed in clicking away waiting for those seconds to pass before you can go on to the next website most of the time you don't even pay attention to what you clicking on because you there to get more traffic not look at other peoples websites.

So why not advertise a website for getting more traffic or some type of website traffic ebook or web site traffic software these types of products grasp peoples attention at at traffic exchanges because thats why there at the website in the first place.

The reason you are reading this article is because you have some type of intrest in web site traffic in one way or another. So after this article there is a chance for you to go to a web site that is all about web site traffic, you can learn a lot there for free and of coourse there is a product which is a membership site that help you get traffic and promote you website in every way there is.

In General you reach people by there intrest so even in marketing you should find what the people are intrested in that you are targeting and make you self easly avalible for them to target you.

Are Traffic exchanges worth the time, well that depends on what you have to offer if you dont have anything that going to catch someones eye and get there attention you may as well forget it.

traffic exchanges are the place where you want to be the most flashy and give the best deals at the top. Give them something they can't resist so they have to sign up for your mailing list. speaking of mailing list traffic exchanges are a decent place to get some sign ups so you can get some sales later.

As an example get an eye catching picture if you don't really know what i mean just go to google and serch for something your intrested in then look through some webpages and see if there a pic that jumps out at you then once you get that get something the customer can't resist like $100
ebooks on there intrest all they have to do is sign up and it will be sent to there email for free. once you get the combination you can make a couple extra 1000 a month using this technique.

If you want to obtain all the information there is on website traffic you should definatly visit Maximize Traffic Look at the author box get your free ebook worth 29.99 this website has been out for a year now and is updated about every month.


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