Ever been to a market? A fish market or a street market selling such things as vegetables and fruit? It’s a very special world, lively and busy where all market players are pushing each others in order to get the best spot.
Internet is very similar to a street market in many ways. There are a couple of keywords that really would work very well for your business.
Type your favorite keywords in Google and heck the number of results sitting there: MILLIONS!
You are only the new guy. You had no idea you’d have to queue behind millions of already-existing websites standing there, in front of your customers and proud to be in the first pages of Google results.
Are you going to queue? No, it’s Traffic War!!!
This is the best topic ever discussed on internet: Moving your shop from a back alley to the main street.
These are exciting times, things happening now could never have happened before, at least not that fast.
Why be in the yellow pages when 10 competitors are on the coverpage?
It all starts with words, so we will definitely talk again about words in the next post: Choose the right keywords for your business.
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